Friday, January 20, 2012

What are you dreams, are they coming true?

What are your dreams? Are they coming true for you? Have you put them on hold with things that life puts you through?

I read an article today. It makes you think about the dreams that you have and if you are living them or not.  It talked about five things:
1. Clear your mind and dream BIG.
2. Be true to who you are.
3. Pull the trigger and "dream surround."
4. Invest in your dream.
5. Write your story.

To go through them one at a time:
1. Clear your mind and dream big.

Go after your dream it is never to late, as long as you are breathing you can still go after your dream. Dream BIG. It is time for you to do something about the dream that you have. Maybe you put things on hold to take care of the family. The children are grown, is it time to think about your dream? Maybe you have lost your job. That could be the best time to go after your dream. You need a change of direction why not got toward something that you enjoy. Do you have a hobby that makes you happy? Could that be turned into something that could bring in an income for you and make you happy and fulfilled at the same time? Think about it. What do you really want to do?

2. Be true to who you are.

If you love to bake cakes, why are you out there as a nurse? Go for what you love. Maybe do both for a while until you can do the cakes full time. Be true to who you are. Find the thing that will help you to be happy and fulfilled in life. You do not want to get to the end of your life with nothing but what if I had done that differently? What would have happened if I had gone for that dream or goal and not let fear stand in your way? What if is not a good way to live. Give yourself the chance to do those dreams, so that you do not have the WHAT IF'S.

3. Pull the trigger and "dream surround"

Pull the trigger means to go do something about your dream. Take a class. Learn more about what you want to do. Next surround yourself with the things that can help you do your dream. If you want to do oil panting. Get the supplies that you need to do the oil painting. Take the classes that can help you learn how to do oil painting. Get books that talk about how to do oil painting.

Now is the time to do something about  your dream. Pull the trigger and "dream surround".

4. Invest in your dream.

Invest you time, invest your money. Now is the time to do something to move the dream forward. One step at a time. Be working at it a little every day. Soon it will be a reality for you not just a dream any more. Do not let fear stand in your way. Use the fear to help you to move forward not to stand still and do nothing. Things get better the more that you do them. Keep doing and going.

5. Write your own story.

Where do you want to be. It is time for you to tell the world how you are and what you want to do. It is time for you to go after your dream. If you can dream it it can become yours. Write it as if it has already happened. You can see it in your mind your can see it in your life. Go for your dreams.

Now if you want to read the article go here . It is a good article. It is talking about classes to learn to do decorating  and staging of homes but these things can be put to any interest that you may have. Now is the time to do. Do not wait for someday that never comes, go do it now. When are you going to get another chance. They do not always come around again. Go for it.

post by
Daniel and Deanna "marketing unscrambled"

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