Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Has The Business Model Evoled over The Years?

The development of business models has a brief
history. The oldest, most basic business model is the
shopkeeper model.

This involves setting up a store in a location where
customers are likely to be and displaying their
product or service for all the passer-bys to see.

But over the years, business models have evolved,
changed and become more sophisticated.

The bait and hook business model was introduced in the
early 20th century. This model involved offering a
basic service for a low cost, often at a loss.

This part is the bait. Then by charging compensatory
recurring amounts for refills or other products or
services, this is the hook.

Examples are the razor, which is the bait, and blades,
which are the hook, cell phones that are the bait and
the service charges and airtime that are the hook.

In the 1950’s new business models came from some of
today’s well-known companies like McDonald’s and

In the 1960’s Wal-Mart was the innovator and the
1970’s saw new business models from FedEx, Toys R Us,
the 1980’s pushed Blockbuster, Home Depot and many
computer companies to the forefront with their
innovative business models.

In turn, many dot-coms suffered because of their
poorly thought out business models.

Today’s business models depend on how the technology
available is used. Entrepreneurs on the Internet have
also created new models that depend on the emergent of

Using computer technology, a business has the
advantage of reaching a large amount of customers with
a minimal cost.

What are your comments, please leave one.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Dan and Deanna .. yes - seeing good websites and bad websites, good business premises and bad .. and now seeing small businesses open up struggling on the high street, without perhaps thinking of the bigger picture and those further doors opening.

We'll all catch up in due course .. it's a learning process ..

all the best
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Hello Hilary,

It is good to always be learning so that we can keep up and grow our business.

If we get to far behind we end up with a business that sells buggy whips when they are no longer needed.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"