Thursday, November 12, 2009

Business Outsourcing - Some Difficulties That Could Happen !

Business outsourcing is becoming more and more popular
each day. However, you need to be careful when you do
decide to hire an outside company for your project.

Some of the problems that may occur is turnover,
knowledge, and attitude problems. These can be
difficult to handle.

When you hire a business outsourcing company to
provide you staff on a temporary basis problems often
occur with turnover rates.

Outsourcing companies have a higher turnover rate than
most companies and you need to be prepared if you tend
to go through employees quickly.

When turnover occurs you have to continue to train
them. If you need to pull an employee from their
current workload to train a new employee then this can
create a problem with that employee getting behind.

Turnover can also cause problems with knowledge of the
company. When you have to retrain employees about
policies and procedures it might take some time for a
new employee to get the hang of things.

Most employers believe it takes approximately two
weeks for a new employee to get settled in. However,
your customer service may take a hit and you might
have customers complaining about your service.

Another thing you need to think about with outsourcing
is that the employee is not working for you. Many
temporary employees want a full-time job with the
company they are working for because they need the

However, when an employee is not really working for
you then they don’t take on the mission and the vision
of the company and believe in instilling it.

Often times, you might see outsourced employees not
care about the company like they should.

You should ensure all outsourced employees will hold
true to the company although they are not really your

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Dan and Deanna .. good points - the challenges of not having that knowledge about the outsourcer's staff etc .. working together with other small businesses within your own town could help - where you can easily meet up and let them do the parts you don't have the knowledge to do properly.

Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Positive Stories

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Hello Hilary,

It is good to do these things close to home that they can get to know you and you them-for a greater working relationship. It there are problems you can meet with them to get things taken care of.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"