Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where Do I Advertise My New Business?

Once you have started your business, the next thing
that you are going to want to do is to advertise your
product or service so that you can get more customers.
Again, one of the best places to do this is the

Place ads - online and off line. Ezines that have to do
with the product or service that you are selling , this way
you are hitting your target audience with every
newsletter that goes out. Off line newspapers and magazines
are good places to put your ads. Just because your business
is online does not mean that you can only do things online.
Do both, it will be a one, two punch to help your business.

Email signature - One of the best places to advertise
is on your email signature. It's a non threatening way
to advertise your business, and sometimes people click
on it without even realizing what it is. Don't make it
long or complicated, just let them know what it is
that you do.

Networks - There are plenty of networking sites around
that allow home business owners to advertise their
products and services. It's a good way to connect with
others and meet some new friends, as well as find new

(click to see the video)

Blog - If you have a blog, advertise your business on
your blog! Make sure that you choose good, solid
keywords, and that you let people know what it is that
you are selling. Make your advertisement stand out,
make it noticeable, and make it interesting.

Forums - Not only are forums a good place to meet
people, but they are also great places to advertise.
There are forums that are set up simply for people to
advertise their goods and services, and you will never
know what you might find there.

Social Marketing - This includes twitter,facebook,
squidoo, to name a few of the many places to help you
get the word out about what you are doing. How do you
get yourself noticed? How do you get your business noticed?

Press Releases - These are great ways to get the word out
that you have started a new business. Answer the how, what,
why, who to let everyone know what you are doing.

If you are going to these social marketing sites, do not spam
people. Leave your comments about the subject that is being
talked about. Let people get to know you. Soon they will want
to know what you are doing because of the great comments that
you are adding to the places that you are visiting. They will seek
you out. They will follow your links and learn about you. But if you
are always saying visit my site, buy my products, on and on every
time you make a comment, soon your comments are not even put up
on these site. They do not want to be spammed. Just like you do
not want them in your email box. If you do this you will only hurt
your on business.

No one will know what it is that you are selling or
offering by way of products and services unless you
tell them. These are just a few of the ways that you
can get yourself noticed.

Let us know your thoughts, leave a comment.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"


Giovanna Garcia said...

Hi Dan & Deanna,

Advertise is the life line for any business. No business can success without advertising.
Thanks for sharing.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Hello Giovanna,

Without advertising your business does not go anywhere. Thank you Giovanna for your comments. Have a good day.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"