Tuesday, June 9, 2009

8 Steps To Help You Write An Ebook

Part 2

Beginning steps to writing an ebook.

1. Figure out your ebook's working title. Jot down a few different titles, and eventually, you'll find that one that will grow on you. Titles help you to focus your writing on your topic; they guide you in anticipating and answering your reader's queries. Many non-fiction books also have subtitles. Aim for clarity in your title, but cleverness always helps to sell books as long as it's not too cute. For example, "Remedies for Insomnia: twenty different ways to count sheep". Or " Get off that couch: fifteen exercise plans to whip you into shape."

2. Write out a thesis statement. Your thesis is a sentence or two stating exactly what problem you are addressing and how your book will solve that problem. All chapters spring forth from your thesis statement. Once you've got your thesis statement fine-tuned, you've built your foundation. From that foundation, your book will grow, chapter by chapter.

Your thesis will keep you focused while you write your ebook. Remember: all chapters must support your thesis statement. If they don't, they don't belong in your book. For example, your thesis statement could read " We've all experienced insomnia at times in our lives, but there are twenty proven techniques and methods to give you back a good night's sleep."

Once you have your thesis, before you start to write, make sure thee is a good reason to write your book. Ask yourself some questions:

* Does your book present useful information and is that information currently relevant?
* Will your positively affect the lives of your readers?
* Is your book dynamic and will it keep the reader's attention?
* Does your book answer questions that are meaningful and significant to the reader?

If the answer is yes to these questions, you can feel confident about the potential of your ebook.

Until tomorrow for more on writing an ebook. Please leave your comments. We love to read them.

copyright Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"


giovanna garcia said...

I like that you started with title. That is the most important thing, a great title will help your book be more successful.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Giovanna, Yes the title is very important. You can also get some good key words into the title. that helps people find it better.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Peter Baca said...

Hi Dan & Deanna,

Your post has really good information on e-books. The title is the most important point since that will interest someone or not!

Then following with the thesis is good writing technique. Thanks for the great information!

Pete Baca
The Car Enthusiast Online

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Peter, thank you for your comment. They are the things that are on the top of the list for that reason. If the title does not interest someone they will not read what is written.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Deanna and Dan .. thanks for that - getting the title, and then building your outline chapters ... making sure they all tie together.

Makes good sense and thanks for this information
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Hilary, thank you for your comments. The title and outline are important places to start. Hope that this helps for your upcoming ebook.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"